Presentation on Erasmus+ opportunities for cooperation with Ukrainian HEIs within European University E3UDRES2 event (18.05.2023, online)
On May 18, 2023, a presentation on Erasmus+ opportunities for cooperation with Ukrainian HEIs within European University E3UDRES2 event as part of the European University E3UDRES2 was held.
8 representatives from 4 higher education institutions of Ukraine joined the event offline.
Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, NEO – Ukraine Coordinator, presented the issue of the state of Ukrainian education before and during the war; nowadays challenges in the education of Ukraine; special support of the EU; opportunities and ideas for cooperation with Ukraine within the Erasmus+ 2023 calls.
Useful resources regarding the Erasmus+ cooperation on capacity building of educational institutions of Ukraine, as well as it’s good practices of i,plementation during the martial law were promoted. The situation in the field of education in Ukraine during the martial law, challenges and priorities of cooperation are presented as well.